You can open an . MD file using any text editor , like Microsoft Notepad on Windows, TextEdit on Mac, Google Chrome Text on Google OS or Vim on Linux and Mac.
You can use Atom. It can be downloaded at Atom includes a package to preview Markdown files. It can be activated by using Ctrl+Shift+M.
Tip: You can also right-click on the editor Tab and select Open Preview (Ctrl+Shift+V) or use the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) to run the Markdown: Open ...
Method 1: Using Markdown Editors · Open the application and click File in the top menu. · Select OpenFile or use the shortcut Ctrl+O. · Locate the Markdown ...
How To View MD File Online. 1. Upload your MD file from the indicated area at the top of the page. Click the button to choose your file or simply drag and drop ...
To open a file with this mode, I have to right-click the file in VS Code document tree, and click Open Preview. One can also use shortcut Ctrl + Shift + V.
Create a Markdown file using a text editor or a dedicated Markdown application. · Open the Markdown file in a Markdown application. · Use the Markdown application ... Cheat Sheet · VS Code · Obsidian · MacDown